Monday, March 17, 2014

Clear off the counters, space saving idea

I'm in a transition period in my life between college student and official adult, and as per obligatory requirement, I live in a tiny, dingy, always smells like...old!? apartment. Seeing as I don't have much room to breathe, let alone clutter my counters with bath products, I have had to resort to more crafty ways to make more space. Case in point, shoe hanger.
Due to the nearly non-existent bathroom space I have, my hanger has become my new bff. Not only do I have a special pocket for all my hot tools, but all my other accouterments, that would have cluttered my counters, now have a special home of their own.
Whats more, this handy dandy andy can be used in many more space saving ways. I have used one to organize my belts, scarves, bangles, accessories and leggings. 
Furthermore, I have seen it used to organize spices in the pantry, in the garden as a hanging planter, in the garage to organize tools, the list goes on.
So think outside the box and invest in a $6 shoe hanger, trust me, you will appreciate all the free space :)

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